ImageShow Module

The ImageShow Module is used to display images. All default viewers convert the image to be shown to PNG format. Image, title: str | None = None, **options: Any) bool[source]

Display a given image.

  • image – An image object.

  • title – Optional title. Not all viewers can display the title.

  • **options – Additional viewer options.


True if a suitable viewer was found, False otherwise.

class PIL.ImageShow.IPythonViewer[source]

The viewer for IPython frontends.

class PIL.ImageShow.WindowsViewer[source]

The default viewer on Windows is the default system application for PNG files.

class PIL.ImageShow.MacViewer[source]

The default viewer on macOS using

class PIL.ImageShow.UnixViewer[source]

The following viewers may be registered on Unix-based systems, if the given command is found:

class XDGViewer

The xdg-open command.

class DisplayViewer

The ImageMagick display command. This viewer supports the title parameter.

class GmDisplayViewer

The GraphicsMagick gm display command.

class EogViewer

The GNOME Image Viewer eog command.

class XVViewer

The X Viewer xv command. This viewer supports the title parameter.

To provide maximum functionality on Unix-based systems, temporary files created from images will not be automatically removed by Pillow.

PIL.ImageShow.register(viewer, order: int = 1) None[source]

The register() function is used to register additional viewers:

from PIL import ImageShow
ImageShow.register(MyViewer())  # MyViewer will be used as a last resort
ImageShow.register(MySecondViewer(), 0)  # MySecondViewer will be prioritised
ImageShow.register(ImageShow.XVViewer(), 0)  # XVViewer will be prioritised
  • viewer – The viewer to be registered.

  • order – Zero or a negative integer to prepend this viewer to the list, a positive integer to append it.

class PIL.ImageShow.Viewer[source]

Base class for viewers.

show(image: Image, **options: Any) int[source]

The main function for displaying an image. Converts the given image to the target format and displays it.

format: str | None = None

The format to convert the image into.

options: dict[str, Any] = {}

Additional options used to convert the image.

get_format(image: Image) str | None[source]

Return format name, or None to save as PGM/PPM.

get_command(file: str, **options: Any) str[source]

Returns the command used to display the file. Not implemented in the base class.

save_image(image: Image) str[source]

Save to temporary file and return filename.

show_image(image: Image, **options: Any) int[source]

Display the given image.

show_file(path: str, **options: Any) int[source]

Display given file.